After submitting your batch from the Contributions application, you are ready to match contributors to their contributions, apply batch designations and save your batch.
To save batch designations
A Single batch refers to a batch in which every item in the batch is attributed to a single fund.
Contributors will be automatically matched based on routing and account numbers. The attributed names are listed in the Attributed To column.
Any items that aren’t matched automatically must be matched by clicking Match. Once matching is complete, apply the following to the batch:
A Split Fund batch refers to a batch in which every item in the batch has multiple designations. If the batch is a Split batch the following information will be requested in order to save the batch:
Each contribution must be balanced before the batch can be successfully saved. As shown in the image below, the total scanned amount must be balanced between the fund designations.
Balance every split contribution making sure to match contributions to contributors. Once completed, apply the following to the batch: